Here at StarrData, we have helped many customers with their data importing and manipulation needs and we would like to share some tips with you on using the Salesforce Data Loader. These tips come from our experience working with this tool and we hope they help you as much as they have helped us over the years. Read our Salesforce Data Loader Tips: Preparing Your File blog post for tips on how to prepare your file for the Salesforce Data Loader.
Mapping and Importing using the Salesforce Data Loader:
- Ensure you are importing to your correct instance by checking the Server Host in the Salesforce Data Loader settings
- Production:
- Sandbox:
- Ensure you are using the correct username as well
- You may need to Whitelist your IP address or use a security token to log into Salesforce with the Data Loader. See our Whitelisting blog for more information
- When mapping your fields, if a column is not mapped, it will be ignored
- Be sure to save your error and success files in the same folder as the import file so you can easily access them if needed
- You can also save your field map for reuse later
- If you create a new field in Salesforce while the Data Loader is open, you will need to log out and back into the Data Loader for the new field(s) to be recognized
- Be sure to deactivate any validation or workflow rules before importing if you do not want them to run on update or insert
These tips will help you map and import your file using the Salesforce Data Loader!
Need Help Mapping Your Data with the Salesforce Data Loader?
StarrData helps you get the most out of Salesforce. If you would like information on the services we offer, call us at (888) 391-4493 x101.